Program of the Workshop
Incorporating business skills into academia (Designing multidisciplinary courses): The needs, challenges and opportunities
Date: 2, 3 December 2021 and 12 January 2022
Time: from 10:00 (CET) to 15:00 (CET)
Link to the event: https://uit.zoom.us/j/65601647143
Meeting ID: 656 0164 7143
Event agenda:
First day (the 2nd of December)
- Sabina Strmic Palinkas (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)´s interview – 10:30 (CET) to 11:20 (CET)
- Discussion
50 minutes lunch break (11:50 to 12:40)
- Discussion
- Concluding the first day of the workshop (15:00)
Second day (the 3rd of December)
- Welcome and introduction to the second day of workshop: 10:00 (CET) to 10:15 (CET) – live talk
10 minutes break (10:55 to 11:05)
- Pickler A. interview (recorded interview) – 10:20 (CET) to 10:55 (CET)
- Discussion
- 50 minutes lunch break (11:50 to 12:40)
- Dave Gorman (director for Social Responsibility and sustainability, the University of Edinburgh)´s interview – 12:50 (CET) to 12:57 (CET)
- Discussion
- Islam Mosa (United States – live talk) – 14:00 (CET) to 15:00 (CET)
- Concluding the second day of the workshop (15:00)
Other interviews for the groups working period
- Knut Johansen´s interview (recorded interview) – 11:05 (CET) to 12:02 (CET)
- Darina Štyriaková – CEO | ekolive Germany GmbH
- Sakalima Sikaneta – CEO | Metamorphic AS
- Roger Flølo – CEO | nLink AS
Groups working period (from 4th of December 2021 to 10th of January 2022)
Third day (the 12 of January)
- Welcome to the third day of the workshop
- Projects presentations and open discussion: 10:45 (CET) to 12:00 (CET) – one break will be included
60 minutes lunch break (12:00 to 13:00)
- Conclusion session: 13:00 (CET) to 14:00 (CET)