4th to 7th of April (From 12:00 to 16:00 CET) – Free workshop

Associate professor, Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Associate professor, Department of Business and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Alicante
Workshop objectives:
- Gaining the knowledge which is needed regarding the contents of leadership, competencies, and communication in order to integrate them in functional areas.
- Boosting the teamwork´s productivity by using both international leadership and management emotional skills.
- Developing the use of formal and informal communication techniques in the firm with the aim of developing successful strategic decisions.
- Encouraging students to stick to a meditation routine to increase their productivity.
- Improving conflicts by dealing with them not only with positive thinking but also with the understanding of criticism.
- Boosting the self-esteem of students to improve their decision-making process.
1. Introduction of emotional intelligence.
1.1 Emotional intelligence definition.
1.2 Classification of innovative competencies.
1.3 Leadership and emotions.
2. Self-awareness competencies.
2.1.- How the brain works.
2.2.- Emotions within working place.
3. Self-management competencies.
3.1 Importance of self-control in communication process.
3.2 How to improve communication by using emotional tools.
3.3 Decision making and emotional intelligence.
4. Social awareness competencies.
4.1. Interpreting body language.
4.2. Managing our nonverbal communication.
4.3. Empathy.
5. Relationship management competencies
5.1. Handling and resolving conflict: assertiveness.
5.2. Teamwork within emotional intelligence
5.3. Motivating and inspiring competencies.
6. Personal growth
The second part of the workshop comprises lectures and exercises about inner experience
The themes are about different aspects of the “true self”:
- Inner guidance
- Presence
- Inner blocks
- Openings through not knowing
Length of workshop: 16 hours, 4 hours per day
Contents of the course will be presented and explained, introducing and outlining the different topics concerning international leadership competencies and communication. The student will get an introduction ot the use of different tools for continuous personal growth and presence.
In addition to this, lectures will be supplemented by further suggested readings and practical assignments and practical exercises in class.
Students will work in groups to generate both responses and solutions with regard to practical assignments which will be presented by the lecturer as a business consultant or coaching after finishing the proper theory contents. Students should interact with other groups so as to defend their responses by showing accurate knowledge of the contents explained in class. In addition, meditation exercises will carry out at class in order to state the importance of mental fitness as a competence.
The students will be guided to dive into the process of exploration of the inner self. In groups of two or three the students will learn new tools of self-exploration as 1. Inquiry; 2. “Feeding your demons”(an old Buddhist approach); Presence-exercises
Global assessment:
The learning process will be assessed on a continuous basis.
For this course it is important that the students attend full presence with video. There is a lot of space for questions and answers.
References and recommended books (Part 1)
- Burger, Webber, and Klinck, (2017), Intelligent Leadership, Spring Editorial
- Machado, (2017), Competencies and Global Talent Management, Spring Editorial
- Marques, and Dhiman, (2017), Leadership Today, Spring Editorial
- Marques, and Dhiman, (2018), Engaged Leadership, Spring Editorial
- Rogala, Sylwester, and Bialowas, (2016), Communication in Organizational Environments, Palgrave McMillan Editorial
- Unsar Sinan, (2014) Leadership and Communication, Spring Editorial
References and recommended books (Part 2)
- Almaas, A.H., The Unfolding Now: Realizing Your True Nature through the Practice of Presence. 2008: Shambhala.
- Lakhiani, V., The Buddha and the Badass: The Secret Spiritual Art of Succeeding at Work. 2020: Rodale Books.
- Scharmer, C.O., The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Applications. 2018: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Sharma, R., The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve The World. 2021: HarperCollins Publishers
- Lakhiani, V., The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms. 2016: Rodale Books.
- Chamine, S., Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours. 2012: Greenleaf Book Group Press.
- Freeman;, S., S.L. Eddya, M.M. , M.K.S. , N.O. , H.J. , et al., Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. PNAS, 2014.
- Achor, S., The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success and Performance at Work. 2011.
- Adyashanti, The Direct Way: Thirty Practices to Evoke Awakening. 2021: Sounds True.
- Adyashanti, Sacred Inquiry. 2020: Open Gate Sangha.
- Brown, B., Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within. 1998: Shambhala.
- Mitchell, B.K.S., Loving What Is, Revised Edition: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. 2021: Harmony; Revised edition.
- Tolle, E., The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. 2010: New World Library.
- Almaas, A.H., Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey. 2002: Shambhala.
- Almaas, A.H., Essence with The Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to Inner Realization. 1998: Red Wheel / Weiser
- Mooji, Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space: What You Are Before You Became. 2016: Sounds True.
- Morelli, K.W.T.P.A.L.M., Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening. 2008: Integral Books; Illustrated edition.
- Walsch, N.D., Conversations with God Neale Donald Walsch 4 Books Collection Set – Awaken the Species. 2019: Hodder and Stoughton/Watkins Publishing.